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Korea Spring Flower Itinerary! "Experience a Winter Wonderland in Spring at Gyohangri with a Colony of Fringe Trees"!💮

Hello~ This is Visit Daegu!

Daegu, a city adorned with a myriad of captivating spring blooms!

Today is the day that I will introduce you to fringe trees, also known as white spring flower tree.

Trust me, it is like witnessing a winter wonderland because it looks like there is a snow on top of this tree! 💮

Get ready to be amazed by the colony of fringe trees in Gyohangri!

Let's head over there right away and immerse ourselves in the natural wonder! ~💛


Gyohang-ri fringe tree colony, is where a sea of white flowers stretches as far as the eye can see, resembling a winter wonderland. :)

Head over to the Gyohangri fringe tree colony, where you can capture memories that will last a lifetime with your camera,

and take a leisurely stroll among the beautiful trees.!♥️


🗺️ Ipamnamu-gil, 958 Okpo-eup, Dalseong-gun, Daegu

(대구 달성군 옥포읍 교항리 958)


📌 Type in the Korean address on Google Maps to find the exact location 😆


What do you think~!?

Are you craving a peaceful stroll amidst trees adorned with stunning white blooms? Head over now to Gyohangri and immerse yourself in this winter wonderland in spring season 🚶♂

Stay tuned for more interesting content!

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